The Do's And Don'ts of Do-It-Yourself Dye Jobs
We asked celebrity colorists Joel Warren and Frank Friscioni, and women who color their hair regularly to share their tips and tricks for making an at-home dye job look every bit as chic as a professional one. Here's what they had to say and what our women recommend.
When you're choosing a color ...DO talk to a professional at a salon to get advice on which shades work best for you, says Joel Warren, a colorist and co-owner of the Warren-Tricomi salon in New York City. "If you've never colored your hair before, a colorist will be able to tell you what'll work best with your skin tone and what the formula is," says Warren. "It's worth the investment because it means you've got a better shot of finding a similar shade at the drugstore."
AOL Style Blog
When you color at home you run the risk of seriously ruining your look. This can be a very risky thing if you are novice or are in a hurry or just plain.... don't know what your doing. In either case it is better to color your hair with someone who has a little experience or leave it all to the experts. This is entirely up to you.....
No matter what you decide always use a color safe shampoo. And if you can you should wait for at least one day before you wash your hair.
Ted Cantu is the creator of http://www.beautyloungestore.com he has contributed to several blogs and podcasts such as…..http://911copywriters.podomatic.com. He served as a top rated art director for Interactive Web Marketing groups in Chicago and New York City.
We asked celebrity colorists Joel Warren and Frank Friscioni, and women who color their hair regularly to share their tips and tricks for making an at-home dye job look every bit as chic as a professional one. Here's what they had to say and what our women recommend.
When you're choosing a color ...DO talk to a professional at a salon to get advice on which shades work best for you, says Joel Warren, a colorist and co-owner of the Warren-Tricomi salon in New York City. "If you've never colored your hair before, a colorist will be able to tell you what'll work best with your skin tone and what the formula is," says Warren. "It's worth the investment because it means you've got a better shot of finding a similar shade at the drugstore."
AOL Style Blog
When you color at home you run the risk of seriously ruining your look. This can be a very risky thing if you are novice or are in a hurry or just plain.... don't know what your doing. In either case it is better to color your hair with someone who has a little experience or leave it all to the experts. This is entirely up to you.....
No matter what you decide always use a color safe shampoo. And if you can you should wait for at least one day before you wash your hair.
Ted Cantu is the creator of http://www.beautyloungestore.com he has contributed to several blogs and podcasts such as…..http://911copywriters.podomatic.com. He served as a top rated art director for Interactive Web Marketing groups in Chicago and New York City.